Some days, I wake up, and I don’t know how to do anything.

Today was one of those days.

Today Did Not Go Over Smoothly Smoothie by The Lily Flour

I was in the middle of a very strange dream involving being late to class and really bushy eyebrows when my alarm went off at, oh, about 6:30. My alarm clock is really my cell phone, and I’ve had the same alarm song for years. It’s the beginning of Brand New Key by Melanie. From the 1970’s. Outdated? Yes, but I love it. Usually.

This morning, I did not love this song. I heard the familiar melody and proceeded to throw my phone across the room.

After freaking myself out (really good arm = really loud noise) and inspecting the damage (none, thankfully), I tried to walk to the kitchen for breakfast. I tripped. Twice. Over nothing. In my PJ’s. I tried to make a cup of much-needed coffee and broke our coffee machine. I’ll admit that I’m really mechanically challenged, but seriously? Open top. Pour water. Close top. Push button. Aim for cup. Coffee.

I drove out of my apartment with the E-brake on. Ouch. Sorry CRV. I promise I still love you.

I finally got to my photo shoot, where I met three cute kids. I let them take a picture of each other with my camera. They succeeded, adorably. Then it’s “Ms. Photo Lady’s” turn, and it takes me 10 minutes to get the settings right. I failed, miserably.

Today was, very much, a blah day.

What did I get right? Not much. Not much at all.

Except this:

Today Did Not Go Over Smoothly Smoothie by The Lily Flour

Smooth-Over Smoothies


Any fruit you might have lying around. I used:

1/2 cup blueberries
1 banana
1/2 cup peach yogurt
A dash of milk

Throw in a blender and hit the right button. Try not to break the darn thing.